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Beyond The Rocks: A Love Story Page 4
Beyond The Rocks: A Love Story Read online
Page 4
Theodora did not wonder why she felt in no exalted state of spirits asshe dressed for dinner. She seldom thought of herself at all, or whather emotions were, but the fact remained there was none of theexcitement there had been over the prospect of breakfast. Her husband,on the contrary, seemed quite fussy.
"A devilish fine woman," he had described Mrs. McBride. "Acts like atonic upon me; does me more good than a pint of champagne!"
"Is she not delightful?" agreed Theodora; "so very kind and gay. I amsure the dinner will do you good, Josiah, and perhaps we might give onein return. What do you say?"
Josiah said, "Certainly!" He could give a meal with the best of them!They would consult that father of hers, who knew Paris so well, and askhim to help them to arrange a regular "slap-up treat."
And so they arrived at Armenonville. It was a divine night, quite warm,and a soft three-quarter moon.
Mrs. McBride had everything arranged to perfection. Their table was justwhere it should be, the menu was all that heart of gourmet could desire,and the company sparkling.
Theodora found herself seated beside Mr. Harryman Hoggenwater and anelderly Austrian, and before the _hors d'oeuvres_ were cleared awayboth gentlemen had decided to make love to her.
It was when the _bisque d'ecrevisses_ was being handed she becameconscious that, not two tables off, there was an empty one simplyarranged with flowers, and almost at the same instant Lord Bracondaleand his party arrived upon the scene.
All Theodora's perceptions seemed to be sharpened. She knew withoutturning her head the table was for them, and that they were advancingtowards it. She had felt their arrival almost before their automobilestopped; and now she would not look up.
A strange sensation, as of excitement, tingled through her. She longedto ascertain if the woman was good-looking who made the third in thisparty of three. She peeped eventually--with the corner of her eye. LordBracondale had so placed his guests that he himself faced Theodora, andthe lady had her back turned to her.
Thus Theodora's curiosity could not be gratified.
"She is English," she decided; "that round shaped back always is--andvery well-bred looking, and not much taste in dress. I wonder if she isold or young--and if that is the husband. Yes, he is unattractive--itmust be the husband--and oh, I wonder what they are talking about! LordBracondale seems so interested!"
And if she had known it was--
"Really, Monica, how fortunate to have secured you at short notice likethis," Lord Bracondale was saying. "I only found I had a free evening atbreakfast, and I met Jack on my way to the polo-ground just in the nickof time."
"We love coming," Mrs. Ellerwood replied. "For unsophisticated Englishpeople it is a great treat. We go back on Saturday--every one will beasking what is keeping you here so long."
"My plans are vague," Lord Bracondale said, casually. "I might come backany day, or I may stay until well into June--it quite depends upon howamused I am. I rather love Paris."
And to himself he was thinking--
"How I wish that atrocious woman over there with the paradise plumewould keep her hat out of the way. Ah, that is better! How lovely shelooks to-night! What an exquisite pose of head! And what are those twodamned foreigners saying to her, I wonder. Underbred brute, theAmerican, Herryman Hoggenwater! What a name! She is laughing--sheevidently finds him amusing. Abominably cattish of the widow not to askme. I wonder if she has seen me yet. I want to make her bow to me. Ah!"For just then magnetism was too strong for Theodora, and, in spite ofher determination, their eyes met.
A thrill, little short of passion, ran through Lord Bracondale as he sawthe wild roses flushing her white cheeks--the exquisite flattery to hisvanity. Yes, she had seen him, and it already meant something to her.
He raised his champagne glass and sipped a sip, while his eyes, moreardent than they had ever been, sought her face.
And Theodora, for her part, felt a flutter too. She was angry withherself for blushing, such a school-girlish thing to do, Sarah hadalways told her. She hoped he had not noticed it at thatdistance--probably not. And what did he mean by drinking her healthlike that? He--oh, he was--
"Now, truly, Mrs. Brown, you are cruel," Mr. Herryman Hoggenwater said,pathetically, interrupting her thoughts. "I tell you I am simply longingto know if you will come for a drive in my automobile, and you do notanswer, but stare into space."
Theodora turned, and then the young American understood that for all hergentle looks it would be wiser not to take this tone with her.
He admired her frantically, he was just "crazy" about her, he told Mrs.McBride later. And so now he exerted himself to please and amuse herwith all the vivacity of his brilliant nation.
Theodora was enjoying herself. Environment and atmosphere affected herstrongly. The bright pink lights, the sense of night and the soft moonbeyond the wide open balcony windows, the scents of flowers, the gayety,and, above all, the knowledge that Lord Bracondale was there, gazing ather whenever opportunity offered, with eyes in which she, unlearned asshe was in such things, could read plainly admiration and unrest.
It all went to her head a little, and she became quite animated and fullof repartee and sparkle, so that Josiah Brown could hardly believe hiseyes and ears when he glanced across at her. This his meek and quietmouse!
His heart swelled with pride when Mrs. McBride leaned over and said tohim:
"You know, Mr. Brown, you have got the most beautiful wife in the world,and I hope you value her properly."
It was this daring quality in his hostess Josiah appreciated so much."She's not afraid to say anything, 'pon my soul," he said to himself. "Irather think I know my own possession's value!" he answered aloud, witha pompous puffing out of chest, and a cough to clear the throat.
The Austrian Prince on Theodora's right hand pleased her. He had a quietmanner, and the freemasonry of breeding in two people, even of differentnations, drew her to talk naturally to him in a friendly way.
He was a fatalist, he told her; what would be would be, and mortals likehimself and herself were just scattered leaves, like barks floating downa current where were mostly rocks ahead.
"Then must we strike the rocks whether we wish it or no?" askedTheodora. "Cannot we help ourselves?"
"Ah, madame, for that," he said, "we can strive a little and avoid thisone and that, but if it is our fate we will crash against them in theend."
"What a sad philosophy!" said Theodora. "I would rather believe that ifone does one's best some kind angel will guide one's bark past the rocksand safely into the smooth waters of the pool beyond."
"You are young," he said, "and I hope you will find it so, but I fearyou will have to try very hard, and circumstances may even then be toostrong for you."
"In that case I must go under altogether," said Theodora; but her eyessmiled, and that night at least such a possibility seemed far enoughaway from her.
The Austrian looked across at her husband. Such marriages were rare inhis country, and he had thought so too in England. He wondered whattheir story could be. He wondered how soon she would take a lover--andhe realized how infinitely worth while that lover would find hissituation.
He wished he were not so old. If she must break up her bark on therocks, he could take the place of steersman with pleasure. But he was acourteous gentleman and he said none of these things aloud.
Meanwhile, Lord Bracondale was not enjoying his dinner. For the firsttime for several years he found himself jealous! He, unlike Theodora,knew the meaning of every one of his sensations.
"She is certainly interested in Prince Carolstein," he thought, as hewatched her; "he has a European reputation for fascination. She has notlooked this way once since the entrees. I wish I could hear what theyare talking about. As for that young puppy Hoggenwater, I would like tokick him round the room! Lord, look how he is leaning over her! Itsickens me! The young fool!"
Mrs. Ellerwood turned round in her seat and surveyed the room. They hadalmost come to the end o
f dinner, and could move their chairs a little.She had the true Englishwoman's feeling when among foreigners--that theywere all there as puppets for her entertainment.
"Look, Hector," she said--they were cousins--"did you ever see such alovely woman as that one over there among the large party, in the blackchiffon dress?"
Then Hector committed a _betise_.
"Where?" said he, his eyes persistently fixed in another direction.
"There; you can't mistake her, she looks so pure white, and fair, amongall these Frenchwomen The one with the blue eyes and the lovely hatwith those sweeping feathers. She is exquisitely dressed, and both thosemen look fearfully devoted to her. Can't you see? Oh, you are stupid!"
"My dear Monica," said Jack Ellerwood, who joined rarely in theconversation, "Hector has been sitting facing this way all throughdinner. He is a man who can appreciate what he sees, and I do not fancyhas missed much--have you, Hector?" and he smiled a quiet smile.
Mrs. Ellerwood looked at Lord Bracondale and laughed.
"It is I who am stupid," she said. "Naturally you have seen her all thetime, and know her probably. Are they cocottes, or Americans, or Russianprincesses, or what?--the whole collection?"
"If you mean that large party in the corner, they are most of themfriends and acquaintances of mine," he said, rather icily--she hadannoyed him--"and they belong to the aristocracies of various nations.Does that satisfy you? I am afraid they are none of them demimondaines,so you will be disappointed this time!"
Mrs. Ellerwood looked at him; she understood now.
"He is in love with the white woman," she thought; "that is why he wasso anxious to dine here to-night, when Jack suggested Madrid; that iswhy he stays in Paris. It is not Esclarmonde de Chartres after all! Howexcited Aunt Milly will be! I must find out her name."
"She is a beautiful creature," said Jack Ellerwood, as if to himself,while he carefully surveyed Theodora from his position at the side ofthe table.
Hector Bracondale's irritation rose. Relations were tactless, and hefelt sorry he had asked them.
"You must tell me her name, Hector," pleaded Mrs. Ellerwood; "the verywhite, pretty one I mean."
"Now just to punish your curiosity I shall do no such thing."
"Hector, you are a pig."
"And so selfish."
"Why mayn't I know? You set a light to all sorts of suspicions."
"Doubly interesting for you, then."
"Provoking wretch!"
"Don't you think you would like some coffee? The waiter is trying tohand you a cup."
Mrs. Ellerwood laughed. She knew there was no use teasing him further;but there were other means, and she must employ them. Theodora hadbecome the pivot upon which some of her world might turn.
The object of this solicitude was quite unconscious of the interest shehad created. She did not naturally think she could be of importance toany one. Had she not been the youngest and snubbed always?
The same thought came to her that was conjuring the brain of LordBracondale: would there be a chance to speak to-night, or must they eachgo their way in silence? He meant to assist fate if he could, but havingMonica Ellerwood there was a considerable drawback.
Mrs. McBride's party were to take their coffee in one of the _bosquets_outside, and all got up from their table in a few minutes to go out.They would have to pass the _partie a trois_, who were nearer the door.Monica would take her most searching look at them, Lord Bracondalethought; now was the time for action. So as Mrs. McBride came past withCaptain Fitzgerald, he rose from his seat and greeted her.
"You have been exceedingly mean," he whispered. "What are you going todo for me to make up for it?"
The widow had a very soft spot in her heart for "Ce beau Bracondale," asshe called him, and when he pleaded like that she found him hard toresist.
"Come and see me to-morrow at twelve, and we will talk about it," shesaid.
"To-morrow!" exclaimed Lord Bracondale; "but I want to talk to herto-night!"
"Get rid of your party, then, and join us for coffee," and the widowsmiled archly as she passed on.
Theodora bowed with grave sweetness as she also went by, and most of theothers greeted Hector, while one woman stopped and told him she wasgoing to have an automobile party in a day or two, and she hoped hewould come.
When they had all gone on Mrs. Ellerwood said:
"I wonder why Americans are so much smarter than we poor English? Ican't bear them as a nation though, can you?"
"Yes," said Lord Bracondale. "I think the best friends I have in theworld are American. The women particularly are perfectly charming. Youfeel all the time you are playing a game with really experiencedadversaries, and it makes it interesting. They are full of resource,and you know underneath you could never break their hearts. I am notsure if they have any in their own country, but if so they turn into themost wonderful and exquisite bits of mechanism when they come toEurope."
"And you admire that."
"Certainly--hearts are a great bore."
"You were always a cynic, Hector; that is perhaps what makes you soattractive."
"Am I attractive?"
"I can't judge," said Mrs. Ellerwood, nettled for a moment. "I haveknown you too long, but I hear other women saying so."
"That is comforting, at all events," said Lord Bracondale. "I alwayshave adored women."
"No, you never have, that is just it. You have let them adore you, andutterly spoil you; so now sometimes, Hector, you are insupportable."
"You just said I was attractive."
"I shall not argue further with you," said Mrs. Ellerwood, pettishly.
"And I think we ought to be saying good-night, Hector," interrupted thesilent Jack. "We are making an early start for Fontainebleau to-morrow,and Monica likes any amount of sleep."
This did not suit Mrs. Ellerwood at all; but if Jack spoke seldom hespoke to some purpose when he did, and she knew there was no usearguing.
So with a heart full of ungratified curiosity, she at last allowedherself to be packed into Hector's automobile and driven away.
"Of course he'll go and join that other party now, Jack! What _did_ youmake me come away for, you tiresome thing!" she said to her husband.
"He has done me many a turn in the past," said Jack, laconically.
"Then you think--?"
But Jack refused to think.